sunnuntai 13. syyskuuta 2009


This blog is suffering from a severe lack of attention, that's the main reason for it looks so dull. I'm not even trying to pretend that I would actually care. Writing is a habit for me, a some sort of way to cast my thoughts up, but since I don't seem to manage producing anything good enough to publish, I've given up. The truth is that there should be someone, 24/7 kicking my butt in order to make me do something useful. But there ain't and that's just too bad.

Right. Whining completed.

Seriously, do I whine? NO. It's obviously constructive criticizing about things no one else is interested in except me. And I have the right to be interested in as many things as I ever manage to figure out, right? Awesome.

But talking about me, I can be also utterly positive! Just like this! :DDDD Awesome dude.

Damn, I got a flashing idea of writing here some things that need to be criticized in order to increase the amount of whining, as if it already was non-existent. But people, let's not take it as whining, I believe that it's possible to see it entertaining as well. I shall make every day-observations and analyse them here for every nolife, blog-reader/follower's delightfulness, who somehow happens to find my little, pathetic blog (I think it's approved to write like that here seriously, when there really is no one to insult).

The worst intro ever, but no can do. I'm going to have school tomorrow. Yay.

perjantai 17. huhtikuuta 2009

A tiny enchantment

~Not dead..~


Well, I've got the solution... which worked for me and which is very simple; The new 64 bit alpha flash.


Then move it to the directory ~/.mozilla/plugins
and restart firefox.

It helped. My gloomy and sticky Firefox changed back into its fast and working self.

Beautiful. I just wish the other things in life could be made work by typing some commands.

maanantai 16. helmikuuta 2009

Improvements are unstoppable

Wow, this is completely new for me. Where does all this creativity come from? As an inconsequential piece of information, I'd like to announce that I just went trough (approximately) three months of misery for a reason unknown. That's the biggest reason for I didn't write my blog nor create anything new during that time. I was thinking a lot, especially my future and everything seemed hopeless. Now afterwards I bitterly notice that the sudden "depression" was mostly caused by the DAMN winter. The lack of sun is a sinister sign, for it really affects you psychologically and now we are not talking about "little moodiness", it really is a SERIOUS issue. Why are the people who live in a region of the Mediterranean a lot happier than we here in north despite relatively the lower standart of living? It's all because of the sun. Is it a bit hard to get depressed when you feel the bright and warm beam on your face the majority of a week and hear the waves of the ocean right next to you?

I'm so out of here once I turn to 18.

Hardly can wait.


Besides, I get along better with foreign people that Finnish dudes. Uu, actually I could make a list and collect there every reason that is against living in Finland.

Written and Published by Me.

1. I hate cold
2. I love the sun
3. Finnish people party far too little and the most of the parties suck
4. I love foreign people
5. I get along with them well
6. I love different cultures
7. I wanna see the world
8. Finnish food is not worth of prising

These are the major reasons.

And again, I manged to write nothing important. Well, anyway, I had a meaning to abandon Ubuntu and move on to Arch. Ubuntu is for noobs and newbies, I'm not either of those. Just gotta buy empty CDs so I can download it and after installing, I'll write an analysis of Arch. Both of my "Linux-buddies" has it and they consider it as a good option to any other distro. I, for example, was thinking about Gentoo for it's very fascinating and gives many freedoms, but for now, Arch sounds better alternative.

So, waiting for the installation!